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From our CNVC Certified Trainers

Foundations in Nonviolent Communication Class

By: Emily Chaffin

AUDIENCE: beginner

Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024 5:30 PM —
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024 7:00 PM
Recurring event
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

Have you ever found that you left a conversation more confused than when it started? Or that someone did something that didn't make sense to you, and you were uncertain of how or whether to talk with them about it? Maybe the person is your child, coworker, partner or friend. Maybe sometimes the stuck or confused experience is completely internal - between you and yourself.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) features a simple and powerful practice of acknowledging the underlying life forces that motivate us all, which creates more connection and understanding in almost any situation. This six-week online program will give you the training and guided practice needed to firmly grasp and start using the fundamentals.

Some of the topics we'll explore and work with in the class include: the underlying forces that motivate people's actions and choices, the power of feelings and empathy for deepening connection, the importance of distinguishing observations from evaluations, how to ask for what we really want, staying grounded in challenging situations, and more.

This foundations program is a fit for those who are new or mostly new to NVC. It is also a good fit for those who have conceptual familiarity with NVC, and want a chance to try it out by practicing in a fun and supportive guided group.

Class cost:
If registering by July 17, 2024: $300

If registering by Jun 12, 2024: $275

If registering by May 19, 2024: $250

The class meets for an hour and a half each week. We will divide the time roughly evenly between exploring a new concept, and then practicing applying the concept in assisted small groups. The content of each week builds on previous lessons.

Recordings of the teaching portion of the class will be available to support learning on missed weeks. Small group-practice recordings may be available, but are not guaranteed. Participants are requested to miss no more than two weeks of the class.

Weekly assignments between sessions include short readings, and brief journaling and reflection practices that are aimed to support integration of the course content. Budget about one hour per week for homework to get the most out of the program.


  • Conflict Resolution
  • General
Those new to practicing Nonviolent Communication often report that they finally have a sense of understanding and being understood.